About Us
This company has been in the making since 2012. The idea and appreciation of coffee actually goes all the way back to when I was 12 and working on my grandparents farm though. There was always a fresh pot brewing.
I recall my dad preparing a thermos of coffee the opening day of duck season. He offered me a cup from the thermos as I sat in the duck blind watching the sun come up. I'll never forget that day on the river bank. I was fully awake, excited, and ready for anything!
My taste for, and obsession with coffee has continued to grow since that day. I have been searching for the perfect cup my whole life. A great cup of coffee at 2AM, before you get in your truck, and drive to your spot is a game changer. I have set out on my mission to prove that to you.
I have heard the saying, "Life is too short to drink bad coffee." That's why I want you to start your day off right and, "Migrate to a better cup."
Contact Us
Interested in placing an order or learning more? Simply reach out today.